Response to Prevention of the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections
In response to the spread of the new coronavirus, Dance Base Yokohama is consulting with experts and taking the following measures
(1) Those who fall under any of the following categories will be restricted from entering the venue.
Those who have a fever of 37.5°C or higher as a result of a temperature check.
Cough, sore throat, or other symptoms.
Those who have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for novel coronavirus infection.
People who suspect that a family member living with them or a close acquaintance is infected.
Travel to a country or region where the government has imposed restrictions on entry or required a period of observation within the past 14 days,
Travel to countries or regions where there is a high probability of having a high probability of having a high probability of contact with people living in the country or region concerned, and people who have a high probability of having a high probability of having contact with people living in the country or region concerned.
(2) When entering, we ask for your cooperation in wearing a mask, taking a temperature, and disinfecting with alcohol.
The building is mechanically ventilated, and is always ventilated while the building is open. In addition, humidification and ventilation are promoted by installing humidifiers and air purifiers.
If you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.