Born in 1996 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music, where he studied classical guitar from the age of 6. Currently, he is a member of DaBY, where he works as a producer and dramaturg. In recent years, he has been interested in the theory of production in the creative process, and has been participating in works as a dramaturg. Major works he has participated in include "Can't-sleeper" (directed and choreographed by Mariko Kakizaki), "Until the Bread is Baked" (directed and choreographed by Nono Kinouchi), "PreDanceMusic" (conceived by Kohei Fujimura), etc. In 2024, he will be participating in the productions of Kogure Kaho/Hara Saori, Hatanaka Shinoh and Fujimura Kohei. Kogure Kaho/Hara Saori, Hatanaka Shinoh, and Fujimura Kohei.