[Live Streaming URL] August 30, 16:00 DaBY Collective Dance Project 1st New Work Tryout & Actual Exercise
Dance Base Yokohama (DaBY) has launched “DaBY Collective Dance Project,” a new project in which creators of different genres collaborate in a collective approach to creative activities.
The first tryout of new works will be held at Dance Base Yokohama on August 30 (Sun.), 2020.
The project will be directed and choreographed by DaBY associate choreographer Ryu Suzuki, with the participation of young musicians, filmmakers, dramaturges, dancers, production artists, and stage designers in their 20s and 30s who also have backgrounds in architecture. The creators, who are not bound by the conventional framework of dance, will gather to discuss their own expertise and ideas, experiment with multiple perspectives, and seek a new way of creation by artists of a new generation living in this time of spreading new coronavirus infection.
For tickets, please visit
▼ URL for live streaming:
▼ For more information:
https://dancebase.yokohama/events/event/ 3039