Studied under Akira Kasai; New York Performance Award (Bessie Award), 2007. Grant from the New England Foundation for the National Dance Project in 2012 and 2015; 2013 Contemporary Arts Foundation Award; 2017 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow; 2018 Guggenheim Fellow; 2021 Doris Duke Foundation and Grant from the Performance Artists Recovery Fund. She is the director of the Body Arts Laboratory and a full-time lecturer at Bennington College. Full-time lecturer at Bennington College; DaBY Guest Artist.
Workshop related to Kota Yamazaki’s “Thin Paper, Autonomous Synapses, Nomads, Tokyo (do)
2020.5.29 -
Kota Yamazaki “Dance Teleportation
2021.2.8 - 14
2021.2.9 - 10
DaBY Tryout [Double Bill] [TPAM Fringe Program
2022.4.14 - 2023.3.31
DaBY Dancer Registration System
2022.12.1 - 18
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